• Deep Thoughts

    Habits > Commitments

    Seth Godin’s blog post today on “Streaks” is rather apropos given my objective of returning to blogging. He’s blogged daily for 11 years, and he makes the point that “streaks” create their own reward. Streaks create internal pressure that keeps streaks going. Streaks require commitment at first, but then the commitment turns into a practice, and the practice into a habit. Anything worth doing typically takes time and a commitment to consistency. The easiest way I know how to do this is to build habits that don’t require you to constantly tax your willpower or decision-making reserves. Instead, automating desired behaviors by building habits is a far better approach. Habits…

  • Business,  Deep Thoughts

    Do things youre unqualified for, and dont be afraid to try something new

    Having been in the workforce now for a while, I can tell you that this is excellent advice. Famous physicist Freeman Dyson has it down: Advice to people at the beginning of their careers: do not imagine that you have to know everything before you can do anything. My own best work was done when I was most ignorant. Grab every opportunity to take responsibility and do things for which you are unqualified. Advice to people at the middle of their careers: do not be afraid to switch careers and try something new. As my friend the physicist Leo Szilard said (number nine in his list of ten commandments): “Do…