• Canelés de Bordeaux
    food,  Miscellany

    Capping off 2021 with Canelés de Bordeaux

    To cap off the year I decided to try something new – baking one of my favorite pastries: Canelés de Bordeaux. Canelés done right are an amazing creation – a crunchy, caramelized outer shell contrasting with a rum and vanilla infused soft custard middle. They’re also fickle, with a myriad ways for things to go wrong (mushrooming, white butts, sagging, etc.). With the help of an excellent recipe that consolidates a bunch of research and tips from other bakers, I was fortunate to pull off perfect canelés on my first attempt. Canelés involve a number of steps that must be done carefully and in the right order, so attention to…

  • food

    Snack Stadium Supreme

    Probably the greatest snack food creation I have ever seen in my entire life. Guacamole, salsa, a pound of bacon, and a pile of Twinkies… just to name some of the ingredients. via Anne Hubert. Originally posted on Holy Taco.